What You Need To Know About Staying COVID Safe In London

COVID Safe In London

London is one of the largest cities in Europe. With 8.9 million of people living here, almost 1500 square kilometres of space and 32 distinct boroughs, the city of London’s 1500 year history and cultural hubs draw in tens of millions of visitors each year. It’s no surprise then, that bookings at the Signature Townhouse London Hyde Park Hotel are so sought after! 

However, this year has seen a dramatic change in the way the city operates. Under the nationwide lockdowns and ongoing restrictions, London has seen a huge drop in visitors from overseas. In part, this is because of restricted flight corridors into the country, but it’s also due to the sheer concentration of people in the city, making the UK capital a COVID hotbed. The tourism industry has thankfully found ways to become COVID-secure, and whilst the number of overseas visitors has indeed dropped, there are still ways you can enjoy the city without putting yourself or others at risk from the virus. Below are just a few of the restrictions that might have changed the way you visit London and some advice on keeping safe during your time in the city. 

Tier 3 Rules

Tier 3 represents a “very high alert” and means that you must not meet outside or indoors with anybody outside of your immediate core or support bubble. Many hotels, restaurants and non-essential shops will be closed and the rule of six applies in all outdoor spaces.

Rule Of Six

The rule of six was designed to stop the spread of the virus through different households and means that social contact is limited to small groups. The rule of six does not apply to households made of larger than six people, so if you’re enjoying the Signature Town House’s London weekend away deals with a larger group, then you’ll still be able to enjoy the open attractions of London with your whole party.

No Overnight Stays

Unfortunately, if you’re planning on visiting friends in London for an overnight stay, you’ll have to reschedule until London’s infection rates drop. Overnight stays with people outside of your support bubble risk increasing the spread of the virus through households.

Use Public Transport Only When Necessary

Public transport is still operational throughout the city, but it is advised that you only use it when completely necessary. During tier 3, it is encouraged that you stay within your local area and try not to travel too far. 

Wear A Facemask In Indoors Public Spaces

If visiting London attractions or enjoying dining experiences such as the Signature Town House’s afternoon tea near Hyde Park London, you’ll be required to wear a facemask unless sat at a table. Facemasks and other PPE staples such as hand sanitiser will help to curb the transmission of the virus from person to person, whether in a shop, on public transport or in a dining establishment.

Social Distancing In London

Even when on the streets, you’ll be required to maintain as much social distance as possible from those outside your core bubble. Virus particles can only travel a limited distance through a cough or spittle, and 2 metres is further than they can generally travel.

When Will The Rules Change?

The rules are analysed every two weeks and there will be a small relaxing during the three days of Christmas. This is so that people can travel to homes and loved ones during the festive season. After that, tier 3 in London will be reinstated until further notice.